Sy-i-m(m)ank in America

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Since November 1997 I'm occasionally corresponding with H. Melvin Symmank from Garland (near of Dallas) in Texas. He occupies himself already since several years with ancestral research and in his database he already has a big part of the descendants of two german - to be more precise sorbian - emigrants, who went with the vessel Westphalia to the USA in 1883. A lot of the Symmank respectively Symank living in the USA today can be led back to this family tree.
Here you can visit the descendants of Johann August Symmank (born 1835) and his wife Johanna Golver (born 1840).

Additionally a half-brother of Johann August Symmank emigrated.
Here you can visit the descendants of Samuel Symmank (born 1848) and his wife Maria Zwahr (born 1851).

A second big part of the people with this name probably descend from another two german emigrants of sorbian descent, as well, who came in 1854 to the USA with the vessel Ben Nevis. Since June 2001 I have pretty regularly contact to Charlene Olbrich from Thorndale in Texas, married to a descendant of these emigrants.
Here you can visit the descendants of Andreas Symank (born 1821) and his wife Anna Christina Fritzsche (born 1827).

Beside you can find in the internet further descendants of Symmanks, who are not connected to the both large groups above and of whom only few ancestors in Germany are known, at the moment.
Here you can visit the descendants of Carl August Simmank (born 1812) and his wife Johanna Magdalena Roessler (born 1812).
Here you can visit the descendants of Johann Ernst Simmank (born 1826) and his wife Louise Johanna Schuster (born 1828).

Besides, during this time (1854 with the vessel Ben Nevis) also one family named Neitsch emigrated, that descend from a family named Symank. Since June 2001 I occasionally have contact to C.B. Neitsch from Jarrell in Texas, a descendant of these emigrants.
Here you can visit the descendants of Maria Simmang (born 1824) and her husband Johann Gottlieb Neitsch (born 1829).

Finally, you can find in the internet also descendants of one family Symmank, that probably emigrated just in the beginning 20. century and apparently is not connected with the other groups.
Here you can visit the descendants of Adolf Otto Simmank (born 1890) and his wife Frances Mamie Stewart (born 1900).

Probably, there are several mistakes and certainly a lot of gaps. Therefore, I would appreciate each correction or addition.

to my family tree
to the Sy-i-m(m)ank in Germany
-to the top-

In case of questions or suggestions just write an email to me.

Nothing more to come! (-to the top-)

As I said! (-to the top-)